A New Website and a New Year’s Promise

Juni 6th, 2017

Our new website – If you’ve visited the SterlingcheckUk.com site previously then you may notice more than a few changes this time around. Sure, the new look is a lot easier on the eye, but we’re happy to say the changes are a lot more than skin deep. As well as delivering an enhanced user experience with clearer navigation we’ve also been working hard to improve functionality and content.

Visitors to our site want to find the right information as quickly and efficiently as possible, and that’s exactly what our new site aims to do.

  • Clear navigation broken down by need and industry type ensures visitors can find exactly what they need at a glance
  • Easy-to-view thought leadership section full of advice and insight in the form of expert blogs, white papers, webinars and more
  • Improved contact form that fast-tracks enquiries direct to the right department
  • Responsive design which delivers a dedicated experience to the mobile user whatever device they’re on

We want to go a step further than simply providing a functional website – we want to support our customers throughout their hiring process by delivering genuinely insightful, informative and educational content. With this in mind we’ll be posting regular blogs from expert writers, topical news items, exclusive white papers, webinars and much more.

The site reflects a new phase of growth here at SterlingBackcheck. The employment screening industry in Europe, The Middle East and Africa is evolving rapidly, as more and more employers recognise the value not only of screening their potential new hires, but in outsourcing that activity to a specialist third party. As a result of our ability to deliver an industry leading level of service in this area, we’ve experienced rapid expansion in recent years and we continue to do so at a tremendous rate – we’re delighted to have a site that supports our business, our customers and HR professionals everywhere!

And the New Year’s promise? Well, we promise to keep you informed of the latest news on background screening that can affect you and your organization. Simply sign up for our quarterly newsletter and we’ll do the rest.

So take a look around and let us know what you think – we welcome your feedback.

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